Location: the Duiwenhoks River, on the coast beyond Vermaaklikheid
Walkers: Claudia, Michele & Helen
*** Route plotted here ***
We took a drive to the coast, about 10km from Vermaaklikheid. Here the Duiwenhoks River runs into the Indian Ocean, through a large lagoon.
One can't drive to the beach as there is no access to or past Puntjie, the private fishing village on the headland (known for its distinctive 'kapstylhuisie' architecture). Instead, members of the public have take the twisty road down to the lagoon and boat launching point.
Here we parked the car and explored on foot. It was low tide and muddy.
We could look left down to Puntjie. It's a strange place.
And right, upriver.
We strolled along the road alongside the river.
There was hardly anyone around. On the far shore some fisherman were pumping prawns. The wind was blowing strongly and the water was choppy.
We walked as far as we could, to the gate of Kleine Fontein homestead.
From here we looked down the beautiful unspoilt river estuary.
On the way back we spotted a good place to get access to the river, and after collecting our swimming towels, made our way to the small beach. Claudia and I had a swim - or more accurately, a wade. Low tide meant that we could walk all the way across to the other side. How unexpected.
While we were in the water Michele explored the coastal bush. She even found a flower!
Its good to see that everything along this beautiful coastline isn't all developed and moderned up.
It is. I grew up nearby at Vermaaklikheid and used to fish and camp there every weekend. Its truly a gift to be appreciated!
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