Location: from Kloof Nek to Camps Bay
Walkers: Delphi and Helen
**** Route plotted here ****
We started our walk from Kloof Nek, taking the stairs between Kloof Street and Camps Bay Drive. The path lead down into a wooded area.
It was wonderfully green and lush.
The vegetation was a mix - some indigenous trees and shrubs, but also oaks, planes, palms and other exotics. Plus lots of tall stone pines.
As we walked on we got glimpses to our left out towards the Pipe Track. Usually one would see Table Mountain but the line of cloud was down so very low that the mountain was hidden from view this day.
In a couple of places the path passed through delightful grassy meadows.
To our left was a steep gully at the bottom of which ran a stream.
We passed through a spacious picnic area - totally deserted - and stopped for a moment to admire the bright new growth on the yellow-woods.
Lions Head on our right was also mostly obscured by low clouds. We didn't mind that there were no views as we were loving the vibrant green of the trees and undergrowth.
And, of course, the flowers!
Some familiar friends: snowdrops, Sparaxis bulbifera, Lachenalia orchioides, Moraea (vegeta?), Felicia fruticosa, Coleonema Album.
And some things I hadn't seen before: Wachendorfia paniculata
This white flower - some sort of Ornithogalum perhaps?
(Update: or maybe Crassula capensis, altho the stem colour is wrong)
Pink Erica - maybe Erica palliflora? (Update: more likely Erica baccans)
Hmmm... not sure of the name of this shrub. It looks like some sort of fynbos, but I can't make a positive identification. Such strange little pink tufts! Do you know what it is? (Update: could this be a type of Cliffortia?)
I know this one: sweet little Spiloxene capensis.
Plenty of nasturtiums. Also, several other plants which don't look like fynbos - I reckon some of these are garden escapees.
And then there was this odd plant which I cannot identify. Help?!
We also saw some insects. Stinkbugs were all over a fragrant Pelargonium.
And this little beetle was nestling in a chink, Ornithogalum thyrsoides.
As we emerged from the bottom of the Glen we got a view out to Glen Beach below and the rest of Camps Bay. The clouds had lifted a little, but we still couldn't see much of the Twelve Apostles.
We decided to cross Victoria Road and go down to Glen Beach to feel the water... it was cold!.
After our quick beach visit, we had to climb all the way back up.
(Photos by Helen)
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