Location: Constantia
Walkers: Helen & Michele
*** Route plotted here ***
In the Constantia valley in the Southern Suburbs there are several walking trails along tracts of land between the residences. These are known collectively as the Greenbelt. For more information about the area and the various routes here.
We wanted an easy walk this afternoon so selected the popular Alphen Trail which starts on Alphen Drive just off the M3. We followed the sandy path to the left of the little stream.
It was super-easy walking, and there were lots of other people out and about, many with dogs. It was pretty too, with tall trees and much green leafiness.
Morning glory creeper was growing everywhere.
Further on we continued through a grassy meadow.
A lot of the trees growing here are deciduous European ones and there was a distinct autumnal look and feel to them. Gorgeous!
We reached the end of the Alphen Trail when we hit Brommersvlei Road. We decided to continue along the next route, known as the Diep River Trail. This one was quieter and a little wilder.
Beautiful tall yellow canna lilies grew alongside the path.
A bridge led over a wetland area...
... with lots of reeds, bulrushes and grasses.
Beyond that the path lead on through rather wild jungly undergrowth, and across another little bridge.
From the clearing beyond we got a view of Devil's Peak. As the sun was now behind the mountain and it was getting chilly we decided to turn around and head back. We'll have to come back soon to do some more exploring along the rest of the trail.
The Alphen Trail was still very busy... lots of dogs and even two horses.
This is one of our most favourite dog walking places!
I know I keep on saying it, but you are very lucky to have such areas right there in the city and close to you.
Homesick, you walked past our house, between pics 11 and 12...should I tell you where to look for that giant and delicious chicken of the woods mushroom colony? :-) The pine woods on the other side of the dam wall, on the left if you're walking toward the Alphen, about 70 feet before the bridge...base of tree near the stream.
The only drawback about the trail. Dog poo. SAfricans are not trained to pick up the poo. It must be feet deep in those nice grassy areas.
So green and refreshing!
Absolutely wonderful!!
Ohh! We'd done the Hell circuit once, a long time ago, and one of the other short routes, and loved it. I didn't realise that there was a whole network - thanks for that link, Helen.
I love the alphen trail, one of my favourites...I want to try the Diep River trail too but need to find my way there....
Where do you start the Diep River trail? Is there somewhere to park a car?
I am looking for a map of the greenbelt trails. Does anyone have a URL or can anyone recommend a user-friendly map
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