Location: off Tafelberg Road, Table Mountain
Walkers: Dorothy and Helen
At least once a week we try to walk after work. The route described here is our favourite, as it is right on our doorstep, gives a good workout in just over an hour and has amazing views.
The start is up Platteklip Gorge. The path heads straight up Table Mountain.
(Photos by Helen)
The waterfall and shady spot are early highlights. This is the only place to get water on this walk.
(Photos by Helen)
After the short but steep climb we meet the contour path. Here we leave the Platteklip Gorge path and head left on the contour towards Devil's Peak.
(Photo by Helen)
Behind us we can see the Platteklip path zig-zag all the way up to the top. It is quite a climb.
(Photo by Helen)
The contour is very easy walking. At this time of year - midsummer - there are very few flowers about, but a lot of different grasses to be seen.
(Photos by Helen)
We reach a cave with a rocky overhang. This is a good spot for a stop to admire the view. We can see Signal Hill, Robben Island, Table Bay and the City Bowl below.
(Photo by Helen)
Shortly after the cave, the path forks. The lower contour is the shorter route. The upper contour is the route we prefer. It takes us up a little higher and adds about fifteen minutes onto the walk. This is the route we have named "Puff Adder Alley" as we saw the dangerous snake on this stretch on two separate occasions last year. It likes to sun itself of the path and looks like a piece of wood. We always watch where we put our feet on this walk.
(Photo by Helen)
The path now climbs again, up steep rocky stairs. It then flattens out once more, and as we round the bend towards the Saddle we see Devil's Peak.
(Photos by Helen)
I love the view behind us of Tafelberg Road below, and Lions Head.
(Photo by Helen)
We then join the Saddle Path and head down back to the road.
(Photos by Helen)
As we walk back along the road we look up at Table Mountain, both the section we have just walked on and the main face with the cableway station. What a satisfying walk this is!
(Photos by Helen)