Location: Lion's Head
Walkers: Helen & Brenda
*** Route plotted here ***
Archive of Lion's Head walks here.
The weather seems to be cooling off (just a little!) and I am starting to feel more energetic than I have in weeks. Brenda and I took a walk up Lion's Head, with lots of chatting along the way. Good test of fitness that... can you walk uphill and carry on a conversation? Huff puff.
The vegetation had that late summer look: scruffy and dry.
Without flowers to look at I turned my attention to rocks. I do love the colours and textures of the weathering, and the lichens on the surface.
Brenda is not keen on the ladders either so we went round the front. For some reason today it felt steeper than usual. I really don't have a head for heights; some days I manage this section fine and other days it feels like I'm teetering on the edge and could fall any minute. Today was one of those days, but luckily no missteps or slips. It is a long way down.
Good walk. Exercise and these views make me happy every time!
The views are beautiful, but I'm amazed how all the little flowers have disappeared with the season moving on. Still well worth the walk though.
Always worth the walk! I forget just how hot and dry this time of year can be. Few flowers on this route, but there are still some to be seen on others (like up top Table Mountain). Nothing like the abundance of spring and early summer though.
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