Location: Table Mountain
Walkers: Helen & Brenda
For other walks along this favourite route look at the Kloof Corner archive here.
Brenda and I met up at Kloof Corner on Friday afternoon for a quick walk. As we set off up the zig-zag path to reach the contour path beneath the cliff-face of Table Mountain we had to put on extra layers... it was rather cool and breezy out on the mountain.
On the way up we saw pretty blue Roella ciliata.
And on the steps near the end this interesting mix of plants. I really liked the one with the red leaves... not sure what it is though.
Once up, we set off along the contour path, passing clumps of white diosma, and bright pink watsonias and pelargoniums.
We were making good progress, crossing a couple of streams running strongly after all the rain. But before we reached Platteklip Gorge, where we'd planned to descend, a few drops of rain began to fall. We could see the dark clouds ahead. Not wishing to walk into bad weather we turned around and headed back the way we'd come instead.
Back at Kloof Corner we peaked around to the Twelve Apostles and Camps Bay. It was still sunny on this side of the mountain. And it was a pleasant walk down the hill. So, not as long a walk as we'd planned, but still good exercise. And it was lovely to be out on Table Mountain, as always.
Now here is a walk that I haven't noticed on here before. I assume it starts on Kloof Road somewhere and turns the corner to follow the mountain side above the cable car station across the length of Table Mountain's front.
It starts off on the last hairpin bend on Tafelberg Road before you get to the lower cable station. There is almost always plenty of parking there, and a signboard on the right saying Kloof Corner. It's a steepish but straightforward walk up the contour path, which you can then follow all the way along Table Mountain and beyond. For a short walk come down on the path beneath the cable-way, for a longer walk come down Platteklip Gorge (long plod along Tafelberg Road, so a good idea to have a second car waiting at Platteklip!). It's one of my favourite walks, especially in summer when you're in the shade. I haven't been doing it as often as I should. Definitely one to add to your list when you next visit Cape Town firefly :-)
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