Date: 27 March 2011
Location: MuizenbergWalkers: Michele & Helen
Route plotted here ***
Michele and I went for a walk along Boyes Drive, the scenic road that links Lakeside and Kalk Bay.

We started above Muizenberg, close to the intersection between Boyes and Old Boyes, and set off direction Kalk Bay, walking along the pavement, and with the mountain on our right.

From here we had a delightful view down to Zandvlei, Muiz and False Bay.

The road began to descend, dipping down through the section with houses on both sides of the drive. There are some lovely homes here.

There's even a small vineyard on the slopes just below the road.

As the road began to climb again we passed the start of the steps up Farmer Peck's Valley. It's been far too long since we walked up there.

On our left we could see down to Muizenberg beach front. Busy!

We followed the road as it curved around towards St James. The views were the best part of this walk. The road was very busy and noisy with traffic. I really enjoyed the brief interludes when there were no cars, but unfortunately they were few and far between.

Looking down from the corner we couldn't see the road or any houses below us, just the curved stone wall half-way down the slope, marking the site of mining magnate Abe Bailey's grave.

We continued along the twisty road. Easy walking. Once we got further along we could see down to Kalk Bay Harbour.

Berries! Autumn's here at last.

We didn't make it all the way to Kalk Bay but instead turned around and retraced our steps. We walked briskly, pausing only to look down to Muizenberg beachfront again. Some friends were surfing there and we hurried down to meet them and grab a late breakfast at Empire Cafe.
