Location: on the slopes of Devil's Peak, starting from Tafelberg Road
Walkers: Helen and Michele
We started this walk after work on a hot afternoon, leaving cars at the end of Tafelberg Road and heading up the path signposted to Devil's Peak via the Saddle.
(Photos by Helen)
After a short climb we met the contour path and followed it left towards the small peak known as Oppelskop.
(Photo by Helen) (Photo by Michele)
The well-worn path climbed gently. We paused in a tiny patch of forest that offered the only shade we encountered on the whole route.
(Photos by Helen)
Behind us was the Eastern Buttress of Table Mountain, and up ahead, the cliffs on the lower slopes of Devil's Peak.
(Photos by Helen)
It was very rocky and somewhat exposed up here, under the cliff-face.
(Photos by Michele)
As we rounded the bend we stopped to admire the beautiful view. Signal Hill, the harbour and Table Bay lay below us.
(Photo by Michele)
~ Oh look, that's a photo of me taking a photo! ~
(Photo by Michele)
The path circled round the base of Oppelskop.
(Photo by Helen)
Once we were round the bend we could see the Blockhouse Ridge ahead of us. The contour path is known as the Lower Traverse on this section of Devil's Peak. After a bit we joined a path that doubled back in the direction we'd just come, leading up to the Middle Traverse and the Oppelskop Ridge.
(Photos by Michele)
As we crested the ridge we could see Oppelskop to our right, and the western side of Table Mountain and Lion's Head across the city bowl, silhouetted in the late afternoon sunshine.
(Photo by Michele)
It was just a short walk to the peak and a scramble up the rocks to the top.
(Photo by Michele)
On top of Oppelskop was an old ruin. This was a great spot from which to look out over the city.
(Photo by Michele) (Photo by Helen)
The view back towards Devil's Peak was spectacular too!
(Photo by Michele)
Looking down, however, made me feel dizzy.
(Photo by Michele)
After our exploration of Oppelskop we rejoined the Middle Traverse contour path and headed towards the Saddle. The view back to Oppelskop from this path was a good one.
(Photo by Michele)
This section of the path led right under the cliff race of another rocky buttress. Fortunately there was no wind. I'm sure this path would be dangerously exposed if a strong south-easter were blowing.
(Photos by Michele)
We came to the Saddle just as the sun went behind Table Mountain, and headed down as quickly as we could. The sunset was lovely.
(Photos by Michele)
On the way down we passed the spot where the path we call "Puff Adder Alley" joins up with the Saddle path.
(Photo by Michele)
Then we passed the lower contour path and, finally, got back down, just as it got dark.
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