Date: 28 March 2009
Location: mountains above
Muizenberg, in the eastern part of
Walkers: Claudia, Richard, Helen, Michele and Daisy, the dog
This walk starts off on Boyes Drive above Muizenberg.
The path heads straight up, steeply. The March lilies were in full bloom on the lower section.

(Photos by Helen)To the right of the path, above us, was Muizenberg Peak.
(Photo by Michele)And below us: the suburb of Muizenberg and its lovely long beach.
(Photo by Michele)Above us to the left was St James's Peak. We followed the path along in this direction, below the peak.
(Photos by Michele)It curved around and then headed up Bailey's Kloof. Muizenberg and False Bay looked further and further down as we climbed higher.
(Photo by Helen) (Photo by Richard)There were a couple of eye-catching flowers growing in the kloof.
(Photos by Helen)The path up was very steep!

(Photos by Michele)But the views from the top were amazing!
(Photo by Michele)Ahead of us Mimetes Valley opened up.

(Photos by Michele)This was very easy walking, up here on the plateau.
(Photos by Michele)And there was wonderful fynbos!

(Photos by Helen)We saw several unusual and beautiful flowers.

(Photos by Helen) (Photo by Michele)
When we reached Nellie's Pool, we had a short rest.
(Photo by Michele)The pool is full of frogs. They fascinated Claudia!
(Photo by Helen) (Photos by Michele)As we walked further the western part of the Silvermine became visible.
(Photo by Michele)We then circled round to the right towards Muizenberg Peak, until we found a route marker pointing us back down to Boyes Drive via Peck's Valley .
(Photos by Helen)Stone steps lead to the start of the valley and then descended steeply.

(Photos by Helen) (Photo by Michele)