Date: 25 July 2009
Location: SilvermineWalkers: Tarryn, Paul, Summer, Michele and Helen
Route plotted here ****
Back to
Silvermine! From the parking area up near the dam, we crossed the bridge and headed out along the road.

Instead of continuing along the road (and following the
Noordhoek Peak route we've walked so often) we took a stepped path off to the right - the Amphitheatre Path.

We could see 'The Elephant' (
Constantiaberg) across the valley.

It was an easy climb up the hill, with glimpses of views of False Bay as we got a little higher up.

Before long we reached the rocky cliffs at the top.

On our left: Chapman's Peak, with
Kommetjie and Long Beach in the distance.

On our right: the
Silvermine valley and dam below.

The Amphitheatre path lead along the top of the escarpment.

There were some unusual flowers on these slopes.
Edit: Thanks to this article I've now identified the pretty flower shown bottom right as Anaxeton leave. Delightful little pink bobble flowers!

The views were breathtaking!

After the path had circled round it began a gentle descent. We stopped for a quick snack, then followed the path until it rejoined the road.

While the others headed back down Michele and I took a track to the left, following the sign to Elephant's Eye cave.

From the lookout we could see down to
Muizenberg Mountain.

Elephant's Eye cave was clearly visible a little way up the slope. We followed the
zag path to get up to it.

The slopes were covered with flowers.
Ericas in every shade of pink!

The path flattened out and took us round to the cave entrance.

We were greeted by a carpet of gorgeous orange

I just love these lilies. Their colour and form... spectacular!

The cave itself is pretty wonderful too.

Although not deep it is everything a cave should be: quiet, dark, damp.

After our explorations in the cave we made our way back down to the look-out point and picnicked in the sunshine.

We gazed down to Constantia, with the Back Table and Devil's Peak in the distance.

From here we headed down, passing a stand of pine trees and crossing over a stream, then following the track back own to the dam.
(Photos by Michele and Helen).