Date: 13 May 2012
Location: Brittania Bay, up the West Coast
Walkers: Dorothy, Claudia, Michele, Taryn & Helen
Route plotted here ***
Our second day at Brittania Bay started drizzly and misty and stayed that way all day. However by late afternoon it brightened just enough to encourage us to wrap up warmly and venture out. Again we walked out onto the beach, but this time we walked in a westerly direction.

Grey, grey sea.

As we reached the rocks there were several clumps of the Euphorbia known as Medusa's Head.

It's a wacky plant!

Other coastal plants spotted hereabouts:

There was a
lot of seaweed around. Stinky stuff.

Looking behind us, back to Brittania Bay.

The mist rolled back in and it was seriously gloomy.

Cormorants and herons sat on the rocks.

And other sea birds. There... then gone.

After a while we came across a large ugly compound with high security. Found out later is a perlemoen (abalone) farm.

And a bit further on we came to the Cape St Martin lighthouse.

On the flat land around there... tiny yellow flowers and clumps of bright red.

Not sure what the yellow one is. Shy little flowers.

The red one is a lachenalia, possibly
L. rubida.

I particularly like their spotted leaves.

We continued to wander down the coast.

Plenty more lachenalia here too - with a sea view!

Rocks in the far distance.

And rock pools nearby.

We also saw more than one remains of a seal.

And beautiful iridescent perlemoen shells everywhere.

After a while it was time to wander home again, to the heater and some tea.
