Date: 22 February 2009
Location: Hout BayWalkers: Dorothy, Michele & Brenda (pictured left) and Helen, Jenny & Iain
This route started just off Hout Bay Nek (a.k.a. "Suikerbossie" Hill) and followed the contour path along the back end of the Twelve Apostles in the direction Constantia.
The walk began with a short climb up logged steps under some pines to get to the contour path.
(Photos by Helen)We gathered to catch our breath and appreciate the view west.
(Photo by Helen)
From here we looked across to Little Lion's Head and Llandudno.
(Photo by Michele)
Then we turned towards the mountain behind us: Geelklip Buttress, the southern face of the Twelve Apostle range of peaks.
(Photo by Michele)
As we walked along the contour path this mountain was on our left.

(Photos by Michele)
It was very easy walking, mostly flat, with the fynbos particularly lovely in the early morning sunshine.
(Photo by Helen)
March lilies were out!
(Photo by Michele)
There were a few other flowers to be seen here and there as well.

(Photos by Michele) (Photos by Helen)
The whole of Hout Bay was spread out below us. Magnificent!
(Photo by Michele)
As we got further our view was across to Vlakkenberg.
(Photo by Michele)
And a little further on we could see Constantia Corner too.
(Photo by Michele)
The path now headed into some dense indigenous forest and climbed steeply through the tangled trees. This was Myburgh Waterfall Ravine.
(Photos by Michele)We climbed until we reached the waterfall. There was just a soothing trickle of water flowing over the mossy surface.

(Photos by Michele)We spotted some
Red Disas high up the cliff. Thanks Iain for climbing up to get this shot below.
(Photo by Iain)
After our picnic stop at the waterfall we retraced our steps. Once out the forest we looked up to Myburgh's Corner and Myburgh's Waterfall Ravine from below. I'm very keen to walk further up there one day soon.
(Photo by Michele)
On the way back we stopped to admire the views.
(Photo by Michele)
Soon we were at the end of this lovely walk.
(Photo by Michele) (Photo by Helen)
See Postscript (to be published tomorrow) : our swim after this walk