Date: 12 September 2012
Location: Silvermine Nature Reserve
Walkers: Michele and Helen
Route plotted here ****
Archive of walks on this route . Amphitheatre Path archive
We had great weather for this walk - clear, crisp air and some welcome early-spring sunshine. We followed our usual route along the path, direction Elephant Eye Cave. Amphitheatre path, counter-clockwise.
After all the rain we have had this winter it was not surprising to see how lovely and green everything looks.
Up the steps we went.
The view behind us after the short climb is always worth it. Muizenberg Mountain and Silvermine East in the middle distance.
We continued straight on the road
A little further on we could see False Bay behind us too.
We turned off onto the Amphitheatre Path itself.
One of my favourite parts of this walk is the section through the thicket of berzelia. So tall and lush, and soft to the touch - and full of buds!
Other flowers on this section of the walk:
Struthiola ciliata.
Erica plukenetii.
Oftia africana. Nice to see all these old friends again!
Our path continued on, up and along the ridge
More flowers!
Erica lutea.
Stilbe vestita.
Xipotheca fruticosa.
And everywhere lots and lots of pretty pink erica.
We continued along the plateau. Oh, Silvermine, you're so beautiful.
And yet more flowers! Creamy white everlastings.
And another white one. Not sure what it is.
Slowly we started to head downhill.
Pink flowers!
Polygala garcinii.
Romulea rosea.
And this little creeper
(whose name escapes me right now).
On the way down: the old tree!
And large pincushion bushes.
Plenty more pink on these slopes too.
The path at the bottom was running with water.
And we spotted my first spiloxene of the spring!